Here’s What Happy People Know That You Probably Don’t

Are you happy?

Sounds like a very weird question to answer, isn’t it?

Because if you come to think of an answer, it’s difficult. Not because you don’t know, but because happiness is momentary. We have moments of happiness rather than being in a ‘happy’ state always.

So what point are you trying to make, you may ask.

The point is:


I’m not a monk, but here’s what I have figured, read or understood on how to stay happy.

1. Who has the remote control to your life?

Imagine one fine morning, while you’re still asleep you get a call from a friend. Without offering you any respite or opportunity to speak, he/she starts thrashing you with the choicest of vulgar words, calls you names, and blames you for some incident. You feel horrible yet muster the strength to go about your daily routine. But the words haunt you and your day gets spoilt.

On the other day, imagine the same situation with just a simple change. Your friend calls you, but this time, instead of shouting at you, he/she has the kindest words of gratitude for you. He/she is thankful for your presence in their lives and values your friendship/mentorship. You feel energetic, cheerful and humbled. You get excited about your daily routing. And your day goes as planned, like a fresh breeze of cold air on a dry sunny day.

Guess what’s wrong with both the scenarios?

Someone else has the remote control to your day.

| Content Writers


Imagine one fine morning, while you’re still asleep you get a call from a friend. Without offering you any respite or opportunity to speak, he/she starts thrashing you with the choicest of vulgar words, calls you names, and blames you for some incident. You feel horrible yet muster the strength to go about your daily routine. But the words haunt you and your day gets spoilt.

| Content Writers

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